ALEZIA: The Shade of Bashora
Alezia continues her path to Bashora where she discovers the first impacts of the experimentation that takes place there.
Published in September 2013
ISBN 978-0-9937416-0-9

By Zeja Pyle  

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ALEZIA: The 26 Tyrants
Roland wakes up under another sky, and learns what happened to Alezia.
Published in December 2014
ISBN 978-0-9937416-2-3

By Zeja Pyle  

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ALEZIA: Erezel Effect
After leaving Terkazy, Roland and Alezia venture north while they are still sought after.
Published in March 2016
ISBN 978-0-9937416-4-7

By Zeja Pyle  

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ALEZIA: The Occultation
Even the sun seems to avoid shining on the enigmatic, dark and barren lands. Alezia and Roland were hesitant to venture there, but the detour appears to be endless.
Published in May 2017
ISBN 978-0-9937416-6-1

By Zeja Pyle  

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